
Chemistry - 24/25



OCR A Level in Chemistry, enables students to develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of Chemistry and how they relate to each other. Students will be able to demonstrate a deep appreciation of the skills, knowledge and understanding of scientific methods and show competence and confidence in a variety of practical, mathematical and problem solving skills .

Students will develop their interest in and enthusiasm for the different areas of Chemistry and understand how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society. Students will develop as critical and creative thinkers, able to solve problems in a variety of contexts, developing ideas and theories to explain the operation of matter and how its composition, structure, properties and the changes it undergoes, constitutes the basis of life and all nature. Students will be taught about the variety of sources of data available for critical analysis to provide evidence, and the uncertainty involved in its measurement. They will be able to link that evidence to contexts influenced by culture, politics and ethics.

OCR Chemistry

Requirements for Study

Minimum APS:

  • 3 A Levels - 4.5
  • 2 A Levels & 1 Vocational - 4
  • 1 A Level   & 2 Vocational - 3.8

Subject Specific: 


  • Grade 6 or above in GCSE Chemistry or Grade 7 or above GCSE Combined Science
  • Grade 6 or above in GCSE Maths- 20% of the course will be assessed through mathematical skills
  • Grade 5 or above GCSE English


Content is split into six teaching modules:

  • Module 1 – Development of practical skills in chemistry
  • Module 2 – Foundations in chemistry
  • Module 3 – Periodic table and energy
  • Module 4 – Core organic chemistry
  • Module 5 – Physical chemistry and transition elements
  • Module 6 – Organic chemistry and analysis

Examinations are at the end of Y13, however students sit stand alone examinations at the end of Y12 to achieve an AS in Chemistry. This provides valuable examination practice and is a stand alone examination.

  • Component 01 assesses content from modules 1, 2, 3 and 5.   2hrs 15 minutes
  • Component 02 assesses content from modules 1, 2, 4 and 6.   2 hrs 15 minutes
  • Component 03 assesses content from all modules (1 to 6)        1 hr 30 minutes
  • Component 03 non- examined Practical Endorsement in Chemistry


The A Level Chemistry course will prepare learners for progression to undergraduate courses in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, Pharmacy, or any of the other sciences or related subjects. For learners wishing to follow an apprenticeship route or those seeking direct entry into chemical science careers, this A level provides a strong background and progression pathway.