
Post-16 Admissions

If you wish to know more about our Sixth Form or book a tour, please email


Welcome Banner Instagram Post (Canvas Banner (1000 x 250 px)) (1)

Our Sixth Form is part of the Welwyn Hatfield Consortium, made up of; Onslow St Audrey's, Bishops Hatfield Girl's School, Monks Walk, Ridgeway Academy and Stanborough School. This enables us to offer a wide range of subjects for you to choose from.  

Key Dates 2024/2025

November/December - Online Applications Open & One 2 One Meetings with all Students

Parents and students will be emailed when the online application centre goes live.  During this period, every student will have a minimum of one meeting with a member of the team to discuss their post 16 options.  Many students who are considering Sixth Form will have multiple meetings to ensure that they are choosing the right group of subjects for their future pathways.  Any student who feels that they would like another meeting on any post 16 pathway, may contact the Sixth Form office to book one.

Applications are now open and will close on 29th January 2025

January - OSA Education & Tottenham Hotspur Football Development Centre Event - Date TBC

29th January 2025 - Sixth Form Application Deadline

All applications must be submitted online.

20th/23rd/24th June 2025 - Sixth Form Induction

Students who have been provisionally accepted (acceptance will be based on final results) to Sixth Form will attend a 3 day induction where they will have taster lessons.


Entry Criteria

Students wishing to attend Sixth Form must obtain a minimum APS (Average Point Score) of 3.7.  The entrance criteria then depends on what you want to study:

  • To study T-Level an APS of 3.7 or above and a grade 4 in English and grade 4 in Maths

  • To study 3 vocational courses an APS of 3.7 or above and a grade 4 in English

  • To study 1 A Level and 2 vocational courses an APS of 3.8 or above and grade 4 in English.  

  • For 2 A Levels and 1 vocational an APS of 4 or above with grade 4 in English.  

  • Finally, to study 3 or more A-Levels you must have a minimum APS of 4.5 and a grade 4 in English and Maths.

In addition to APS, subjects have their own specific criteria; for example, if you want to study Maths A Level, you will need to have obtained a grade 7 or above in GCSE Maths.  

Students who do not obtain a grade 4 at English or Maths will be expected to retake the exam alongside their chosen subjects.

But how do you work this out?

You will need to add all of your subject grades together and divide this figure by the number of subjects taken, if you are taking less than 8 subjects, you must still divide the number by 8.


Vocational Grade Scores:

L2 D* - 8.5

L2 D - 7

L2 M - 5.5

L2 P - 4

L1 D - 3

L1 M - 2

L1 P - 1.75


APS Calculation Examples


Picking Your Subjects

All subjects are positioned into 5 blocks, A, B, C, D and E and students can only choose 1 subject from any one block.  Typically, students will choose 3 subjects and their timetable will be made up of 3 blocks with subject lessons, 1 block with self study and 1 block for PSHE, Careers and Enrichment.

Some students may consider to study a T Level which covers all blocks, a 4th A Level (this must be discussed with us first) or wish to participate in the OSA Education & Tottenham Hotspur Football Development Centre.  This is in block D and students must choose 3 other subjects in addition to the football, 1 from each A, B and C.  Block E mainly covers PSHE, Enrichment and Post 18 pathways.

Students who wish to choose Double Business or Double Sport (which takes up two blocks) must chose both L3 Diploma subjects for the same school, these are highlighted by colour.

In addition,  subjects may have their own criteria, so it worth checking this in order to know whether you are studying the subjects that are required.