
Parental Agreement and Consent

Often parental involvement in a child’s education reduces when they reach secondary school. We are committed to ensuring that does not happen. Regular communication with parents is incredibly important to us. We value your support in creating a consistent and cohesive approach to the expectations of our students.

On joining Onslow St Audrey's School you will be required to complete a Student Information Form via the Arbor Parent Portal. Here we will confirm key information about your child alongside agreements/permissions regarding topics such as behaviour, biometrics and online safety. Arbor is our Management Information System (MIS) - via this app you are able to access updates on your child's attendance, behaviour, timetable and give permissions for trips/GDPR.

Below you will find detailed information that must be read whilst agreeing to consents in the Arbor app.

Home School Agreement

Students are expected to read and discuss the below Home School Agreement with you before you consent, and agree to follow the terms of the agreement. Any concerns or explanation needed can be discussed with the Year Manager assigned to your child’s academic year at the school.

The school will endeavour:

  • To see that your child achieves his/her full potential as a valued member of the school community.

  • To care for your child’s individual safety and happiness and respond to any possible bullying issues.

  • To provide a balanced curriculum to meet the individual needs of your child.

  • To demand high standards of work and behaviour through good relationships and a sense of responsibility.

  • To keep you informed about general school matters and about your child’s progress in particular.

  • To be open and welcoming and quick to respond to requests for meetings.

  • To help students care for property even though it cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage.

  • To ensure that purposeful homework is set and marked regularly.

I accept that:

  • By sending my child to Onslow St Audrey’s School I am agreeing to the code of conduct set by the school. 

  • My child must be encouraged to abide by the school’s ethos and expectations as detailed in the school’s Behaviour and Discipline Policy (see I will support the school’s Behaviour and Discipline Policy and the sanctions it describes. My child will attend detentions, with advance notice, if s/he has failed to abide by the school’s ethos and expectations. 
  • My child must always wear the correct uniform as per the school’s Uniform Policy (see

  • My child will not use their mobile phone at school, except when a member of staff has given permission. I understand that mobile phones will be confiscated if used without permission and I may be required to collect it from school if the phone is confiscated repeatedly against the school rules. 

  • A phone call must be made to the school by 9.30am every day my child is absent.

  • I will not take my child out of school during term-time unless there are exceptional circumstances (which exclude family holidays).

  • All students in Years 7-11 remain on site throughout the school day, unless on an authorised trip/visit.

  • My child will complete homework with as much support and encouragement as I can provide.

  • I will attend Parents’ Evenings or make an alternative arrangement if the date is inconvenient to me.

  • I will support the school’s Online Safety Policy (see and help prevent my child from signing up to services such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube whilst they are under age (13+ years in most cases). I will close online accounts if I find active accounts for my under-age child.

My child understands that they must:

  • Wear correct and full uniform every day as per the School’s Uniform Policy (see

  • Not use my mobile phone at school, except when a member of staff has given permission. I understand that mobile phones will be confiscated if used without permission.

  • Attend school regularly and on time.

  • Report immediately to Student Reception if I am late.

  • Remain on school premises throughout the school day, unless on an authorised trip/visit.

  • Do all my classwork and homework as well as I can and seek help when necessary.

  • Bring all the equipment I need every day.

  • Respect other students, teachers, their property and their rights.

  • Respect and care for the school environment and property.

  • Respect the good name of Onslow St. Audrey’s when I am in school, out in the community or on school visits.

  • Represent the school in a positive manner at all times when in school uniform, both inside and outside of school and on social media.

  • Follow the school’s ethos and expectations at all times, as detailed in the school’s Behaviour and Discipline Policy (see

  • Support the school’s Online Safety Policy (see

  • Not bully others and report any instances of bullying that I am aware of.

  • Seek help when I need it.

Online Safety Agreement

  • The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life. We want all students to be safe and responsible when using any IT. It is essential that students are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems and access support. Students are expected to read and discuss the below Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement with you before you consent, and agree to follow the terms of the agreement. Any concerns or explanation needed can be discussed with the Year Manager assigned to your child’s academic year at the school.
  • I will only use school IT equipment for school purposes.
  • I will not download or install software on school IT equipment.
  • I will only log on to the school network, other school systems and resources using my own school user name and password.
  • I will not reveal my passwords to anyone other than a Parent/Carer.
  • I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts on school IT equipment.
  • I will make sure that all my electronic communications are responsible and sensible.
  • I understand that everything I search for, access, post or receive online can be traced now and in the future. My activity can be monitored and logged and, if necessary, shared with teachers, Parents/Carers and the police if necessary. I know it is essential that I build a good online reputation.
  • I will not browse, download, upload or forward material that could be considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material I will report it immediately to a member of staff if I am in school, or Parent/Carer if I am not in school.
  • I will not give out my own or others’ personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs or any personal image. I will report immediately any request for personal information, to a member of staff if I am in school or Parent/Carer if I am not in school.
  • I should never post photographs, videos or livestream without the permission of all parties involved.
  • I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.
  • I will be respectful to everyone online; I will treat everyone the way that I want to be treated. I will ensure that all my online activity, both in and outside school, will not cause distress to anyone in the school community or bring the school into disrepute.
  • I will support the school’s approach to online safety and will not upload or add any text, image, sound or videos that could upset or offend any member of the school community, or bring the school name into disrepute.
  • I will ensure that my online activity would not cause the school, staff, students or others distress or bring the school community into disrepute.
  • I will not upload, publish or use images of children at the school other than my own children.
  • I will not respond to hurtful behaviour online but will report it. I have the right to block and will say no to any inappropriate or upsetting request.
  • I will respect the privacy and ownership of others’ work online and will adhere to copyright at all times.
  • I will not attempt to bypass the internet filtering system in school.
  • I will not assume that new technologies can be brought into school and will check with staff before bringing in any device.
  • I will not lie about my age in order to sign up for age inappropriate games, apps or social networks.
  • I understand that not everything I see or hear online is true, accurate or genuine. I also know that some people on 
  • the internet are not who they say they are and may have ulterior motives for assuming another identity that will put me at risk. I will gain permission from Parents/Carers before arranging to meet someone I only know on the internet.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future. If I break the rules, teachers will investigate, I may be disciplined and my Parents/Carers may be contacted. If I break the law the police may be informed
  • Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement terms and a summary of key Parent/Carer responsibilities are listed in the Online Safety Policy (please see: I confirm my agreement. 
  • I/we have discussed this agreement, which highlights the associated risks when accessing the internet, mobile and digital technologies, with my/our child. I/we agree to support them in following the terms of this agreement.
  • I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or to post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute. Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff. Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community. Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, students and parents.
  • I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. I/we understand that under no circumstances should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than my/our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement. I/we understand that when on school premises but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.  
  • This agreement is to keep me safe. I have discussed this agreement with my Parent(s)/Carer(s) and understand the commitment I have made and my responsibilities.


Please consent to the school taking and using information from your child’s fingerprint as part of an automated biometric recognition system. This biometric information will be used by Onslow St. Audrey’s School for the initial purpose of paying for food in the school’s Canteen. Borrowing books from the library, accessing school printers, monitoring attendance, gaining access to secure areas around the site and other similar systems may be additional uses in the future.

The school uses Live Register cashless catering system, which uses the latest biometric technology to scan a student’s fingerprint; this generates a unique 4-digit number to identify your child and allow them to spend money from their account at break and lunchtime. Your child’s fingerprint image is not stored and cannot be used by any other system.

Under the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (sections 26-28) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are required to notify each parent of a child and obtain their written consent before being able to use a child’s biometric information for an automated system. The law places specific requirements on schools when using personal information, such as biometric information, about students for the purposes of an automated biometric recognition system. For example:

  • the school cannot use the information for any purpose other than those for which it was originally obtained and made known to the parent(s) (i.e. as stated above);

  • the school must ensure that the information is stored securely;

  • the school must tell you what it intends to do with the information;

  • unless the law allows it, the school cannot disclose personal information to another person/body.

As stated above, in order to be able to use your child’s biometric information, the consent of at least one parent is required. However, consent given by one parent will be overridden if the other parent objects in writing to the use of their child’s biometric information. Similarly, if your child objects to this, the school cannot collect or use his/her biometric information for inclusion on the automated recognition system. However, we would also need this in writing and a discussion with parents would then take place.

You can also object to the proposed processing of your child’s biometric information at a later stage, or withdraw any consent you have previously given. This means that, if you give consent but later change your mind, you can withdraw this consent. Please note that any consent, withdrawal of consent or objection from a parent or child must be in writing. Even if you have consented, your child can object or refuse at any time to their biometric information being taken/used. We would appreciate it if you could discuss this with your child and explain to them that they can object to this if they wish. In this instance, we would also hold a discussion with your child and contact you.

By consenting, you are authorising the school to use your child’s biometric information for this purpose until he/she either leaves the school or ceases to use the system. If you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, this must be done so in writing and sent to the school at the following address: Old Rectory Drive, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 8AB. Once your child ceases to use the biometric recognition system, his/her biometric information will be securely deleted.

By consenting, you give consent to information being used from the fingerprint of your child for use as part of an automated biometric recognition system initially for purchasing school meals. In future, it may also include accessing the school library, accessing the print system, registering their attendance at the school and accessing the school site through access-controlled doors or other similar systems.